Healthy Food Games Definition
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Many Namibians have come to understand the word Diet to mean the kind of foods that people eat for slimming or losing weight, but the word really means all the foods and beverages (drinks/liquids) any person consumes, even those who are not slimming. So a good diet means a Healthy Eating Plan and healthy and balanced nutrition means eating the right type of foods in the right quantities to keep healthy, keep fit, and enjoy life.
For our nutritional well-being we need to have a variety of nutritious, safe and acceptable foods that meet the dietary needs of all members of the household every day throughout the year.
This section of your Handbook includes 8 activities that will help your group members to understand the meaning and importance of having a healthy diet and a Healthy Eating Plan.
Activity 2.1: The Ups and Downs of Nutrition
Project skill:
Understanding the results of both healthy and unhealthy eating habits.
Life skill:
Acquiring Knowledge
Developing communication skills.
Working with others.
Put up the Food Guide for Namibia poster where everyone can see it.
1. Tell your Youth Club members that they will be playing a game called The Ups and Downs of Nutrition in order to understand healthy and unhealthy eating habits and what the results are of these habits.
2. Read aloud from How the Game Works.
First read about the purpose of the game and show your group members the Food Guide poster. Tell the members that the game is to help them to better understand the Healthy Eating messages of the poster.
3. Read out the steps or rules for playing the game and show everyone each step as you read about it.
Make sure that everyone understands the game before they start playing.
4. Ask your members to form groups of 2 to 6 people.
The game may be played by up to 6 people, but this may make it a bit crowded, so if you have enough games, it would be better to have no more than 4 players per group.
5. Give each group a game board, a dice and marker pieces for each person. Tell the groups that they may begin playing the game.
6. Move among the groups and help those who may have problems with how to play the game.
7. After all the groups have finished the game (or when you feel it is time to end the playing), ask everyone to come together as a large group.
8. Ask the following questions to summarise the nutrition messages in the game:
What did you learn from this game?
What Healthy Eating habits did you learn from this game?
What did you learn about the results of unhealthy eating habits?
Does playing the game help you to remember or better understand the Guideline messages on the Food Guide poster?
What nutrition messages did you not understand?
Who can explain these to help the other group member/s to understand?
If it will help, use the Basic Facts about Nutrients Handout to help with this.
How can you use what you have learned from this game?
Would you like to play this game again sometime?
How can you use what you have learned from this game to help friends, family or community members to learn about Healthy Eating?
Why should we play this game?
This game is to help players understand the results of both healthy and unhealthy eating habits. It will help us to learn how to make good and wise choices about food.
Directions for Playing the Game
1. Setting Up the Game
Each player chooses a seed, stone, etc as their marker piece.
Place the game board so that all the players can easily move their stones from square to square.
Look at the game board. The squares are numbered from 1 to 100. When a player throws the dice, his or her marker (stones or seeds, etc) should move across the board following the numbers.
The game numbers start at square number 1, which is in the bottom left corner of the board. Arrows on the board will help to show the way to the next row of numbers to be followed.
When a player's marker gets onto a square with a ladder, this is a good eating habit. This means that the player can move his or her marker up to the top of the ladder, which helps them to have a better chance of being a winner!
When a player's marker gets onto a square with a slide, this is an unhealthy eating habit. This means that the player must move his or her marker down the slide and will slow down the player's chances of being a winner.
2. Playing the Game
Before starting the game, players' markers should NOT be on the board.
To find out which player will start the game, each player takes a turn to throw the dice. The player who gets the highest number on the dice gets to start the game.
This starting player should throw the dice again and then move his or her marker, counting the number of squares according to the number shown on the dice. Counting should start from square number 1. For example, if the player's dice shows 5, the marker should move to square number 5 on the board.
When a player has moved their marker by counting the squares, that person's turn is over until all the players in their group have thrown their dice and moved their markers. More than one marker may be on the same square at the same time.
When a player's marker ends its move on a picture square at the bottom of a ladder, that marker must climb up to the picture square at the top of the ladder. For example, if a player's move ends on square number 8, the player should move up to square number 31. Notice that the pictures on these two squares are related.
When a player's marker ends its move on a picture square at the top of a slide, that marker must move down to the picture square at the bottom of the slide. For example, if a player's move ends on square number 46, it must move down the slide to square number 25. Again, the pictures are related.
3. Winning the Game
The first player to reach square number 100 wins the game. A player can get there in 2 ways:
· By getting the right count of squares to end on 100.
If the count would take a player past number 100, he or she should not move, but try again in their next turn until the dice shows the right number.
· When a player's move ends on square number 80.
By eating a balanced meal which contains foods from all 4 Food Groups, the player can move his or her marker up to square number 100 and become a winner!A healthy, wholesome diet means choosing
from among many different foods. Enjoy the
great variety of food. There is no “healthy”,
“unhealthy” or even “forbidden” food. It is the
quantity, selection and combination of food
that matters.
Most of you know what types of food you
should be eating more of. There are many
reasons why it becomes difficult to commit to
eating this way: limited time to shop for and
prepare food, the cost of buying fresh and
healthy food, or not knowing where to get the
items needed.
This book is not meant to give you nutritional
information or show you the breakdown of a
“healthy” diet but to offer some tips and
suggestions to helping you overcome the
barriers that may be preventing you from
eating the way you know you should
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